How Did We Help Dr. Sachin Khalane Enhance His Online Presence?

Client Overview: Dr. Sachin Khalane, an esteemed orthopedic surgeon specializing in robotic knee surgery and other orthopedic treatments, required a comprehensive digital presence to showcase his expertise and facilitate patient bookings. His practice demanded a website that was simple yet elegant, mobile-responsive, and capable of handling online appointments efficiently.

Problem Statement: Dr. Khalane needed a website that not only highlighted his expertise in robotic knee surgery and other orthopedic treatments but also included an online booking system. The project had a tight deadline of three weeks, requiring swift and efficient execution.

Objective: To design and develop a professional, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive website for Dr. Sachin Khalane that effectively communicates his expertise, includes an easy-to-use online booking system, and aligns with his brand identity.

Solution: DigiCompanions undertook the challenge with a structured and efficient approach to ensure timely delivery and high-quality results.

  1. Logo Design:
    • Quick Turnaround: Given the tight deadline for the website, we prioritized designing a logo swiftly.
    • Industry and Brand Alignment: Chose colors that matched both the orthopedic industry standards and the hospital’s interior design to maintain a cohesive brand identity.
    • Collaboration and Iteration: Conducted several discussions with Dr. Khalane to understand his vision and requirements, ensuring the final logo met his expectations.
  2. Website Design:
    • User-Friendly Layout: Designed a clean and intuitive website layout that made it easy for visitors to navigate and find relevant information.
    • Comprehensive Content: Developed content that effectively showcased Dr. Khalane’s expertise in robotic knee surgery and other orthopedic treatments.
    • High-Quality Visuals: Conducted a high-quality photoshoot to use real images of Dr. Khalane and his practice, enhancing the website’s authenticity and appeal.
    • Planned Site Flow: Structured the site flow to be user-friendly, ensuring all patient requirements were covered seamlessly.
  3. Online Booking System:
    • Integrated a simple and efficient online booking system, allowing patients to schedule appointments easily.
    • Ensured the system was secure and reliable, providing a smooth user experience.
  4. Technical Features:
    • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensured the website was fully responsive, providing an optimal experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
    • Fast Load Times: Optimized the website for speed to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates.


  1. Planning and Strategy:
    • Collaborated closely with Dr. Khalane to gather detailed requirements and understand his vision for the website and logo.
    • Developed a comprehensive project plan with a clear timeline to meet the three-week deadline.
  2. Design and Development:
    • Created wireframes and design mockups for client approval, ensuring alignment with Dr. Khalane’s expectations.
    • Developed the website using the latest web technologies to ensure high performance and responsiveness.
  3. Testing and Launch:
    • Conducted thorough testing to ensure functionality, responsiveness, and user experience.
    • Successfully launched the website within the stipulated deadline, exceeding the client’s expectations.


  • Enhanced Online Presence: The new website significantly improved Dr. Khalane’s online visibility and accessibility.
  • Increased Bookings: The online booking system facilitated a higher number of appointment requests.
  • Positive Feedback: Patients and visitors provided positive feedback on the website’s design, ease of use, and comprehensive information.

Conclusion: This case study demonstrates how DigiCompanions successfully developed a simple yet elegant website and a cohesive brand identity for Dr. Sachin Khalane. By addressing all of the client’s requirements and delivering additional enhancements, we created a digital presence that significantly improved the clinic’s visibility and accessibility, leading to increased patient engagement and satisfaction.